Lotus Lake Conservation Alliance
Organized exclusively to advocate for and work towards the protection and improvement of Lotus Lake

About the Lotus Lake Conservation Alliance
The Lotus Lake Conservation Alliance (LLCA) was incorporated in 2012 as a 501(c)-3 (non-profit) corporation. The LLCA was formed as a result of the collaboration between two groups that had been working to preserve and improve Lotus Lake - the Lotus Lake Homeowners' Association and the Lotus Lake Clean Water Organization.
We are committed to improving and protecting Lotus Lake, and work to keep it a clean, healthy and vital lake with usable beaches, clean lake equipment and safe shorelines. We do this because Lotus Lake is a tremendous asset to our community. It provides recreational opportunities like fishing, boating, swimming, skiing, and sailing, it is home to many varieties of fish, birds, frogs, etc., and it is an important asset for our property values. The LLCA also advocates on behalf of Lotus Lake and surrounding bodies of water (including Lake Ann and Lake Susan) on projects, inspections and long term planning.
The LLCA worked through strategic partnerships to protect Lotus Lake interests in the following ways:
Pushed for scope reevaluation for the Riley Purgatory Creek project funding.
This change freed up funding for other projects in the watershed district that have a higher urgency / impact on the community and environment.
Project budget was reduced from $4.25 million to $1.2 million.
Worked with other lake associations and succeeded in reducing overreaching buffer and stormwater measures for homeowners proposed by the Watershed.
Funding and management partnerships for the AIS inspection program along with Chanhassen, the Watershed District and Carver County.
It is important to note that the LLCA pays a significant portion of the inspections done at Lotus Lake.
As a result of the inspection program, many boaters who attempted to illegally, or unknowingly, transport and launch water, weed or AIS infested boats are stopped.
Working to receive a fair share of Watershed funding for much-needed lake improvements and programs.
Instrumental in founding the Southwest Metro Lakes Coalition, which represents residents on or near Lakes Lotus, Lucy, Mitchell, Red Rock, and Riley—about 1500 households.
Giving the LLCA a much greater voice with Eden Prairie and Chanhassen City Councils, and Carver and Hennepin Counties. This coalition played an important role in reducing the Watershed regulations.
Hosted Winter and Summer Events to build community among homeowners.
Our Partners
Thank You to Our Members
Your contributions are directly contributing to funding additional inspections at the boat launch and influencing our partners to protect and improve Lotus Lake